Tuesday, 21 June 2011

Japanese Teahouse

This is a real-time animation using the Blender game engine.

The Teahouse is a low-polygon (game) model, consisting of:
- Ambient Occlusion Lightmap
- Tangent Space Normal Map
- Diffuse Texture Maps
- GLSL Fragment Shader to simulate the refraction of light through water
- Animated Normal Map to simulate the rippling of surface water
- Faux (non-RenderToTexture) reflection effect

Runs at 60 frames per second on the following spec:
- Pentium Duo-Core CPU 2.93GHz
- 3 GB RAM
- 32 bit OS
- nVidia GeForce 9500GTX Graphics Card

Friday, 17 June 2011

SPY STORY: Sneak Peek

Here is a sneak peek of my game. It's called "Spy Story" - which is just a working title at the moment, although if enough people like it, I might keep the name.

I've coded a basic HUD system, which responds when the player passes over a pick-up-item. I can also send text messages directly to the player to relay mission objectives and other pertinent information.

Still early days ...